Job Navigator®️ is iiicareer’s industry leading recruitment and staffing database, connecting Applicants & Clients

How you wish to work is important to us

There are various ways of life. One person’s preferred way of life may not necessarily be yours. This applies to types of work and careers as well.

The positions and careers that we offer are diverse, from those that pay a higher salary at well-known companies to the ones that suit you and your lifestyle in the area you wish to live. With our vast network serving different parts of US and Japan, our consultants are ready to help you find your next career path.

Finance, Accounting, IT, Governmental Agencies/Think-tank, Automotive Industry, Manufacturing, Energy, Trading, Logistics/Carrier/Tourism, Pharmaceutical/Chemical, Food/Restaurant, Academia/Education, Entertainment and more, wherever your interest maybe, we have you covered.

Everyone has a career path.

Consultants at iiicareer, wish nothing more than to be the navigator to your career search.

The Process for Applicants

Please register as an Applicant with our Job Navigator®️ database at
Welcome Email/Phone Call
Consultant will reach our to you once you have registered
Consultation regarding career goals and employment status
Position Introduction
We will do our best to introduce you to a position that matches your knowledge, experience and goals.
New Job!
First Day Follow-Up and Beyond
Consultants will follow-up with you on your first day of work and beyond, to make certain the process is going well and you are satisfied with the job. Consultants will be happy to answer any questions or address any concerns.


Brochure for Applicants (PDF)